Code, Circuits & Curiosity: Mastering the Bits & Bolts

My name is Mahyar Riazati, I was born on July 25th, 1999 in Tehran. Ever since I was a child, I have been curious about computers and loved playing with them. When I was 12 or 13, I decided to take a big step into the world of computer programming and learn game development with GameMaker Studio.

During high school, I discovered my passion for electronics and the vital role they play in shaping our modern world. This led me to start learning about circuits and electronics.

I studied Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering at IAU and went on to pursue a Master’s degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering at the University of Tehran. To improve my skills in computer programming, I actively practiced, solved real-world challenges, took various courses, and studied computer science courses on my own due to their importance.

And now Just a fully grown functional computerphile kid, a non-stop learner, interested in all fields of the computer’s vast universe, from high-level & abstract concepts to PN junctions, trying to enjoy the ride and learn as much as possible ツ